Our dear French friends, led by wedding planner Pernelle, are getting ready for
their trip to our little Borgo where they decided to celebrate their
wedding, immersed in Italian landscape and culture.

Ready steady go!!! … except that, in Paris they miss their flight connection and after tense moments they get to board another plane, they arrive later than expected and tired but full of joy for the great moment ahead!
As soon as they arrived, in no time the Borgo was filled with a large and warm French family, with Hawaiian necklaces and overwhelming enthusiasm!
The big day has arrived, there is an air of joy and excitement at the Borgo; the beautiful courtyard
is ready, set up simply and delicately to welcome this beautiful family and their newlyweds.

From an ancient staircase descends the Bride, she is barefoot and wearing a beautiful white dress.
. She walks toward the groom and they look at each other with intense love.
The groom is turned toward the majestic Orobic Alps, she approaches slowly and silently,
She whispers something in French, and he turns, they look at each other, they embrace.

They are then joined by their parents and their beautiful little girl who hands them the
rings, the ceremony has begun!
All together they watch the video greetings from all family and friends: they are very
fun and with strictly Italian music, some of them dancing, others sang the anthem
Italian national team and, of course, our tricolor also appears!!!

We are truly amazed when, to everyone’s surprise, it starts at full volume a
great classic of Italian pop music in the world: and so, on the notes of the Rich and
Poor and of their celebrated “It will be because I love you”!!!!! everyone breaks out in song, dance and
a thousand soap bubbles!

The end