On a regular day in early October, when time passes slowly and our beloved guests animate the small village, we see something in the sky… a small balloon that approaches from afar with a steady and slow pace. Little by little, getting closer and closer, its physiognomy and that of the adventurous gentlemen who pilot it begin to be recognized.
After a few minutes, two curious characters land on our lawn… and we welcome them with open arms.

Nicola and Ilaria are really two original types !!! with their French clothes, jackets, backpacks, gloves and their leather bags they seem to have arrived here directly from the eighteenth century. They are friendly and very funny, they talk to us, they ask us exactly where we are, and they keep looking, turning them from all sides, to their maps. Every now and then Ilaria stops, puts down the maps, picks up her telescope and begins to look around at 360 degrees in a continuous search for reference points.
“Ah…. finally a bit of rest, we really needed that! ” Nicola exclaims.
Now that they have rested a little, we take them around our village … let’s go together to explore the small corners and glimpses between the stone walls and ancient woods and then we enter the “sala bella” where, in the presence of Aristotle and of Petrus Paravicinus we offer them a glass of wine, to regain their strength.

They are entranced by this divine nectar and ask us to take them to see the cellar of our friends from the Terrazze dei Cech. Meanwhile they begin to tell us about their travels around the world, about the many people they met and about a thousand incredible experiences and stories, like that of Charlie who drank as much as he could and only came home dancing when he heard his favorite song on the radio.
Late at night, Nicola still amazes us with an unexpected surprise, he extracts some unknown tools and objects from his backpack and enchants us with fire … if it were to illuminate and warm the whole sky!

It is morning, and Les Montgolfier are now ready to leave for new unknown lands. All the inhabitants of the village greet them with affection and friendship, eagerly awaiting to see them again soon …
… And we know very well that they will come back 😊